Network Status – 818 Software Portal
Water is critical to every industry,

Network Status allows information to be conveyed quickly and visually without using special software on any device.

Network Status is a web portal that can show owners their water assets and status to be displayed in a browser using Google maps, the information displayed is restricted and can only be viewed by the Asset Owner or Assigned staff members.

There are 3 different account types with unique features for each account,Pastoralists, Water Service Providers, Fire Emergency Service including Rural or Country Fire Fighting services.

Today’s technology allows the use of the internet to provide real-time data to a large number of people in multiple locations while allowing information to be updated seamlessly by the assigned account privileges.

The Network-Status Web Portal allows information to be displayed using a smart device or phone, to those that a registered within a secure account.

Pastoralists & Property Managers can use the portal as an information tool, displaying water assets status other information as it is added, this visual reference allows the planning for repairs or other programs to be implemented when no or low water levels are identified.

818 Software provides the Network-Status Web Portal at no cost for all activities that involve Fire & Emergency Services at any level, this extends to Water Service Providers for fire hydrant assets location and status that can be viewed by Fire & Emergency Services.

Network-Status Web Portal allows for Rural Fire Fighting services to show state-owned or privately-owned rural water assets and their status and information about access and property information.

Network-Status has the ability to be used by Water Service Providers as an Incident Management tool assisting Asset Managers & Customer Services having real-time information.

We are seeking a Pastoralists Company or Property Managers to trial the portal, this will allow us to improve the information and use of the portal, additionally we will be providing a great tool for Bore Runners, and stock employees to report information accurately and effectively.

Copyright © 2018. 818 Software ABN 15452101295     Postal Address     818 Software P.O. Box 818 Ashmore City QLD 4214